Saturday, August 22, 2009
The Cabbage Soup Diet Makes Dieting Seem Effortless
For people who want to lose weight fast, here is another option which might truly help without too much hassle – The Cabbage Soup Diet. Like what the name suggest, the diet is based on a strict cabbage soup diet in a span of one week. In this program, individuals are encouraged to consume as much Cabbage soup as they can, as if equivalent to a meal, and drink plenty of water. Other foods are allowed but should be eaten in moderation. There are also foods that are completely not allowed in the diet. Having said this, the Cabbage Soup Diet requires very strict discipline to be able to reach the weight goal.
Although high consumption of cabbage soup is recommended, it is not advised that individuals will only eat cabbage soup as this is not healthy and might cause undernourishment. However, anyone undergoing this diet plan should carefully choose low calorie food to support fast weight loss. An individual can add any fruit (as much as possible not banana) with the cabbage soup. Vegetables, naturally, can also be eaten along with the diet. Lean meat and fish is also allowed but in moderation. If one should crave for rice, the rice has to be brown rice.
The Cabbage Soup Diet seems to be easy to follow. However, it has received too many criticisms since the diet shows to be unhealthy. The fact that it is a short term diet solution, it does not guarantee a permanent result. Maybe, the only advantage is that an individual will learn to eat in control as the stomach will become accustomed to taking in just the right amount of food each meal. Yes, it is just a 7-day plan so one can just put up with eating the soup, but it takes a very determined person to be able to survive the monotonous routine of eating the same thing over and over on a daily basis.
The only good thing about this diet plan is that one does not need to spend so much for losing weight compared to other diet programs available wherein you will have to spend for special menus and consultations. The diet is also very easy to follow since all you have to do is gobble lots of cabbage soup and drink at least 8 glasses of water to keep yourself stuffed. No counting of calories, no special instruction; just follow the seven day cabbage soup diet religiously. Another advantage is that you can get rid of junk foods especially during snacks as cabbage soup is a perfect nibble.
There is certainly no need to work out doing this program since; you are not taking in too much, anyway. In addition, your calorie intake is low; you are surely bound to lose significant weight in a very short span of time. The Cabbage Soup diet can be the best option for those who wish to quickly lose pounds. Just firmly follow the diet and by the end of the week, you will see a noteworthy result.
Clive Jenkins is an expert author on Weight Loss And Diet Programs. To get up to date news, information, Reports, Tips and weight loss help, please visit Slimmer's Paradise Today
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Posted by norazila at 7:08 AM
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